I recently came across an article which I highly agree with...The article deals with how the mainstream media portrays the fact that any loser out there can do this job and make millions virtually overnight.
In truth the Adult Webmaster is in fact always working and always changing the way he has to do things, including learning new skills constantly to keep up with the market.
Like I said, the thing I hate most about the way the mainstream media portrays is the fact that they mislead people into believing this is a job that any loser can do. The successful adult webmaster works his/her ass off and never stops. Being painted as a degenerate is to be expected. It's not right but society has never been kind to those who work in sexual entertainment. Being typecast as lazy louts who sell sex because there's no work involved is a damned lie.
"You're about to join a field where the technology changes constantly, the marketing is like no other and the competition is fiercer that a school of piranhas. If you want to be an adult webmaster, you better be prepared for a life of wash, rinse, repeat."